Country map
Country borders
Precipitation accumulation
  • Mon
  • 21:25
  • 21:45
  • 22:05
  • 22:25
  • 22:45
  • 23:05
  • 23:25


Radar ±2 hours


Precipitation and weather Uggiano la Chiesa

In the coming hour, it will stay dry, then there is the possibility of a rain shower

  • Tuesday

    17 Sept
    Veel regen of natte sneeuw, ook hagel

    19° / 22°

    ZO 4
  • Wednesday

    18 Sept
    Forse onweersbui met kans op hagel

    19° / 24°

    ZO 3
  • Thursday

    19 Sept
    Onweersbui met kans op hagel

    20° / 24°

    Z 4